Bikini Blunder and Sunburns, Oh My!
Bikini Blunder
by Jaclyn
So...My family took a trip to Maui, and stayed right outside of Whalers Village. It was absolutely amazing of course, but everybody all knows that already.
I really wanted to learn how to surf this trip, because I live in gloomy Oregon, and well, surfing on the Oregon Coast would be a tad bit less enjoyable.
I signed up for one of those surfing-for-dummies type classes on the beach, and eagerly awaited my lesson. A group of men came out and explained the basics of surfing followed by whisking us away into the Ocean. After many tries, and fails, I finally got up onto the board, not to brag, but I was up there for like 2 whole pathetic as that is. I was gleaming as I ran off into the sand after crashing into a bodysurfer....oops!
As I looked up, I noticed that the whole beach was jealously staring at me. Wow, I thought, "I must look pretty good in this brand new bikini! Wait a sec...." That's right, my bikini bottom was gone. Before I could run to the bathroom, across, the beach, and the sun-tanners, I had a crucial decision to make. Cover the front, or the back? I went for one arm in front, and one in the back. It was humiliating...and I never got my suit back, but hey, at least no tan lines right?Hi Jaclyn,
Your story is tooo funny - in a mortifying kind of way!! What a bummer you didn't get your suit back - hopefully it wasn't a favourite?
Anyhow, humiliation aside, at least you got up on the surfboard - I haven't taken any surfing lessons myself yet, but I'd like to some day for sure!
Sunburnt on the Beach
by Liberty
We were on a 6 day vacation in Maui. We had a beautiful hotel, great food and activities. All was fantastic. On the 4th day we decided to spend the day just sun bathing on the beach. We laid out, put sun screen on and were enjoying the heat and ocean. My husband fell asleep, as usual. After about an hour, we got up and decided to lay under an umbrella.
Unfortunately, my husband's feet were out in the sun with no sun screen on. When we finally got up to go inside, we noticed how red his feet were. By afternoon, his feet were red and swollen. He couldn't wear shoes and had to hobble around bare feet. It was a funny and bad situation. I hope we can make another trip soon and this time we will soak ourselves in sun screen.Hi Liberty,
Thanks so much for sharing your story! I was wincing as I read it! The hot sun in Hawaii definitely takes some getting used to, and the ease with which you can sunburn is unreal!
Back when we were on our honeymoon in Hawaii, we took a bus tour around the island of Oahu... the bus had darkly tinted windows, so I hadn't bothered to put any sunscreen on that morning. Well, I had a window seat, and by the end of the day, I had managed to get my arm sunburnt THROUGH those darkly tinted windows! I couldn't believe it!
All I can say is every day in Hawaii is now a sunscreen day for me! Here is our sunscreen collection from our last trip:
We ended up buying lots of the blue one at the Costco in Kahului - it was a great deal compared to buying it elsewhere on the island.
Kalama Beach: Fastest Tan I Ever Got!
by Susan
Fargo, ND
I arrived in Maui shortly after there had been a rainstorm - a friend in Honolulu told me the winds were so strong that the rain was coming down sideways. I saw efforts of clean-up after the storm, but I was determined to go to the beach anyhow and stopped at a few in the Kihei area.
I believe it was Kalama Beach where I drove into a parking area where there was a lot of reddish mud and dirt. I ran to the grassy area and finished putting on my sunscreen. The beach was rocky so I decided to go to another one further down.
I took the "shortcut" to my car and walked across the parking lot. A breeze came up and blew a bunch of the fine reddish dirt all around me. It stuck to me because of my freshly applied sunscreen so it appeared I had a copper-colored tan! Later, I did get to a nice beach and lay in the sun, but never did regain my "tan"!!Hi Susan!
Thanks for sending in your story!
Everything sticks to freshly applied sunscreen, doesn't it... :) I have very pale skin... I could use an instant copper "tan" like that myself!