Hana: Waterfalls at Oheo Gulch
(Seven Sacred Pools)

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On our trek out to Hana, waterfalls were high on our list of MUST-SEE scenery!

picture of Hana waterfalls at Oheo Gulch (Seven Sacred Pools)

Oheo Gulch (Seven Sacred Pools) attracts residents and visitors alike to its beautiful pools and waterfalls.

This attraction is located near the base of the Pipiwai Trail (which is just a short drive past Hana), and it made for a convenient stop after our day of hiking with Hike Maui!

You might have heard that Maui waterfalls and streams can vary in size a LOT depending on rainfall. Well the pictures above left and below right illustrate the difference very well...

picture of Maui waterfalls warning sign at Oheo Gulch (Seven Sacred Pools) in Hana area

In the picture above, you can see that the Maui waterfalls here were fairly small during our visit.

However, to your right, you can see a picture of a sign posted there that showed just how much the water levels can change during periods of heavy rainfall:

We couldn't believe how different these Hana waterfalls could become if

picture of warning sign at Oheo Gulch (Seven Sacred Pools) where stream empties into ocean... warns of sharks and strong currents etc.

there was enough rainfall!

The area where the stream at Oheo Gulch (Seven Sacred Pools) empties into the ocean looks tempting to explore, BUT if anyone has ever been tempted to do just that, I'm sure that this ominous sign would change their mind!

Apparently the waters along the shoreline here are frequented by grey sharks! Since the bottom of the sign is hard to read in my picture, here is what it says:

"Dangerous currents, rough surf, sharp rocks, and the presence of grey sharks just offshore make ocean areas unsafe for swimming."

More articles of interest:

Go to Maui Pictures: Some of my Favourites!

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