Share Your Maui Vacation Story For a Chance To WIN!
Since everyone who returns home from "The Valley Isle" has a Maui vacation story or two to share, why not share your Maui travel stories for a chance to be the winner of our latest contest!

What can you win? Your choice of a FIFTY DOLLAR U.S. gift certificate to OR a FIFTY DOLLAR CDN gift certificate to! Whether you want books, toys, household items or whatever, Amazon has it all!
Haven't been to Maui yet? Since I'm assuming you're here because you're planning a Maui vacation, then why not bookmark this page, and then come back here to submit your story after you've returned from your trip?
Do you live on Maui? Why not share your story from your latest "staycation?"
It's always great fun to re-live our holiday experiences by sharing them with others, and even MORE fun if sharing means you can win a $50 gift certificate to Amazon, right?
Here are a few of our favourite entries from past contests that might inspire you!
Sandy of Vancouver, WA, (pictured to the left) won one of our contests with her story, "The Gazebo Restaurant in Napili, Maui: Breakfast Worth the Wait!" She included some great pictures along with a great review!
We've had a lot of great entries in our contests - here are a few of our favourites:
Our Trip from Sea to the House of the Rising Sun, by Gary of Oklahoma City, OK
Maui, Hawaii: My Favorite Place in the Whole World, by Heidi of Crestview, FL
Haleakala at Sunset, by Caroline of Ladysmith, B.C.
Tips for Creating a Winning Caliber Entry
1) Include a picture... or 2.. or 3... or more! A good picture tells a thousand words, and will definitely help to bring your story, trip report or review to life... and maybe even to first place!
2) Keep it real! Please don't feel like you have to embellish your story or make it over the top. Just tell your story as you would to a good friend who might be interested in visiting Maui. We're looking for stories that will be of interest to other visitors on this site. You could share your full trip report, a review of your favourite Maui restaurant, resort or activity... You could tell a story about an interesting or fun experience you had...
3) Add details! I suggest a minimum of 250 words of quality information to increase your chances of winning! Try to include the details that would interest YOU if you were researching a Maui vacation right now. Especially include the kinds of details that only someone in the know who's "been there and done that" would know.
I'll be accepting contest submissions until 11:59 p.m. (central standard time) on April 30, 2013. The contest winner will be notified on or before May 7, 2013.
Share Your Maui Vacation Story
for a Chance to Win!
Not sure what to write?
Tips for creating a winning caliber entry
It will only take you a few minutes to submit your story, and you'll be entered for a chance to win that gift certificate! You can enter as many times as you like!
By submitting a contest entry, you agree to the contest rules. (scroll down)
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A Blessing Not rated yet
Some years ago, we were driving the road to Hana. Back then, instead of the smooth pavement of today, the road was very washboarded and bumpy. By the …
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Contest Rules
1) You must be age 18 or older at the time you submit your contest entry form. By submitting your entry form, you are agreeing that you are age 18 or older.
2) You may enter the contest as many times as you like. Just fill out a new contest submission form for each new Maui vacation story or review that you'd like to enter.
3) To be eligible to win this contest, you must include your name and a valid e-mail address. Whoever wins the contest will be contacted by the e-mail address submitted with their entry. If the winner's e-mail address is invalid when the contest winner is chosen, a new winner will be chosen.
4) In order to claim their prize, the winner must reply to the confirmation e-mail that will be sent to them the week of May 1-7, 2013. This confirmation e-mail will verify that this is the correct e-mail address to send Amazon's e-mail gift certificate to. A lot of these types of e-mails end up in the junk mail folder... so please, please, please regularly check not only your regular inbox, but the junk mail folder as well that week! must receive the winner's reply to the confirmation e-mail within 7 days in order for the winner to receive their prize.
5) If the winner does not claim their prize as per rule #4, may or may not choose a new winner.
6) Contest entries will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. (central standard time) on April 30, 2013.
7) The choice of the winning entry will be at the sole discretion of
8) Last, but not least, only original material will be accepted as an entry into our contest. Write your story in your own words, and please don't submit anything that you've already published elsewhere.
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